Analytical Technologies Provides
Top-tier Laboratory Services
For our clients' laboratory needs in Trinidad and Tobago -
At Analytical Technologies
Our Quality Management System
Conforms to ISO/IEC 17025 "General requirement for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" -
Analytical Technologies has
One of the Largest Private Independent Labs in the region
We Provide Positive Results From Highly-Growing Industrial Business.
Environmental Testing
Environmental Testing
Certification of Ship Bunkers
Accreditation of Ship Bunkers
Petroleum Testing
Petroleum Testing
About Us
We Provide
innovative solutions
Analytical Technologies provides a range of scientific testing procedures to businesses in Trinidad and Tobago. The business focus is to meet today’s dynamic and fast-paced market needs with a wide range of services covering a crucial majority of analysis needs across a range of scientific disciplines. Our skilled scientists work on the cutting-edge boundaries of modern science to deliver a growing range of services to companies requiring technical analysis for environmental, microbiological, toxicological and petrochemical industry applications.
This company was founded in 1996, and continues to operate at the frontiers of technologies as the recently introduced radio-nuclei testing which positions Analytical Technologies as the only local facility to provide this key monitoring service for quantifying radioactivity in produced water from oil wells as per EPA/EMA requirements. Analytical Technologies’ scientists have isolated and cultured an indigenous bacterium in-house for use in the biodegradation of oil in contaminated soil. This indigenous bacterium is expected to be more resilient than imported cultures since it will function in conditions close to its native habitat. This will significantly reduce the costs and time associated with remediation of oil-contaminated sites.
Analytical Technologies applies modern, in-depth testing procedures which conform to the ISO17025 laboratory quality management system to increase the competitiveness of its clients by providing them with crucial data to make informed decisions and reducing barriers to entry in foreign markets. This is achieved by providing internationally recognized testing for local producers to meet the strict entry requirements for goods entering these markets and reducing our reliance on foreign resources. All methods utilized at ATL are Standard Methods (eg. ASTM, APA, GPA, SMEWW).
In 2009 we were National winners of the pioneers of prosperity in the Latin American Region.

Petroleum Testing
ATL is capable of furnishing in house testing facilities with trained and experienced technicians. We test crude oil, refined petroleum products, refined fuels including gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, residual oil, LPG, petrochemicals, industrial gases, and natural gas.

Environmental Testing
Physical testing of samples for parameters such as particle size and concentration can give insight to the process control engineer on how effective and compliant a discharge handling system is operating.

Accreditation of Ship Bunkers
Analytical Technologies Limited provides the necessary analytical analyses to determine the relevant physical and chemical characteristics required by Inspection companies for the analysis and certification of ship bunkers.

Our analyses are conducted primarily on potable water, wastewater effluents, and recreational water. We have started Microbiological analysis of food and testing of Microbiological quality at food based industries.